drop the Weapon!During the Artifacts from the Past operation, defeat the second subboss at least once for each type of ancient weapon he wields
Null and VoidDefeat the final boss in the League Hall: Security Breach alert after recharging the Nullifier at least 12 times
Let's Get DangerousComplete the League Hall: Lockdown raid without your entire team getting knocked out, and while allowing the intruders to create exactly three parts of the makeshift teleporter
Behind Closed DoorsDefeat 20 Dregg Wardens in the Necropolis: Relics of Urgrund raid
In One PieceDuring the Love and War operation, delay engaging Impassioned Wonder Woman until after Carol Ferris arrives, then defeat her before Carol Ferris
Teleport of EntryComplete the Cain Street Mall portion of the Love and War operation after allowing the Star Sapphires to repair each of the three teleporters at least once
Any Which Way But LoseDefeat Bleez, Furious Metallo, and Vice in every possible order during the Spark of Parallax solo instance
Femme FatalePrevent Fatality from releasing any Star Sapphires from crystals during the Zamaron Conversion Chamber alert
Hot PotatoAvoid being hit by Glomulus's Greedy Butthead attack in the Spark of Ion duo
Going GreenCollect any 6 Living Planet Base Items from the War of the Light Part II Episode
Golden Path of DestructionComplete all of the rooms in the Labyrinth of Lost Souls raid in the most efficient order
Futile EffortsNever allow Brainiac's forces to activate their teleporters outside his forcefield dome in the Prime Battleground portion of the Return to the Nexus operation
Final DestinationDefeat each stage of the Throne of the Dead raid without any group members getting knocked out
Bring a Dog to HealDo not defeat any Creature Handlers during the Cerberus fight in the Halls of Hades raid
Fire HydrantDefeat 13 Shades by luring them into the Hydra's fire during the Act of Defiance operation
ParademonicComplete the Happiness Home raid without successfully completing any of the Parademon side rooms
Death Rays of SunshineComplete the Happiness Home raid with 3 of Granny Goodness' terminals active for at least 4 minutes while her prize pupil is active in the fight
Living on the EdgeDo not interact with any Conversion Chamber Control Consoles in the New Genesis Now operation
Perfect GradesDuring the Fatal Exams operation, earn a passing grade on each of Granny Goodness' Tests and the Extra Credit in a single run
RadioactiveDefeat 168 enemies on New Genesis while affected by the Radiation from the environment near the cannonades