

  • 游戏机种:PS3
  • 游戏类型:动作冒险
  • 游戏厂商:Lexis Numerique
All Aboard Finish Chapter 01
  • 50.40%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Loud and Clear Finish Chapter 02
  • 13.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Blasted Metro Finish Chapter 03
  • 9.80%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Emergency Exit Finish Chapter 04
  • 7.80%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Contamination Finish Chapter 05
  • 6.30%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
High Voltage Push an enemy onto an electrical device
  • 10.70%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Bodyguard Complete a level without the monsters draining Amy's energy
  • 34.30%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
where are you? Avoid being seen by the enemy by concealing yourself in a hideout
  • 16.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Find Me Find Amy
  • 66.20%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Survivor (Easy) Finish the game in Easy mode
  • 4.80%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Survivor (Normal) Finish the game in Normal mode
  • 3.30%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Survivor (Hard) Finish the game in Hard mode
  • 1.60%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
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