

  • 游戏机种:PSV
  • 游戏类型:休闲益智
  • 游戏厂商:Ripstone、VooFoo Studios
Check Put an opponent in check in an exhibition game.
  • 86.60%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Checkmate Win an exhibition game against the computer.
  • 67.80%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Amateur Complete all the tutorials.
  • 26.40%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Pure Correspondence Win a game of Play By Mail.
  • 1.30%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Cross-check Play a check in reply to a check.
  • 23.40%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Promotion Advance a pawn to the eighth rank in an offline game.
  • 72.70%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
O-O-O Perform a castling move on the queenside during any full game.
  • 23.90%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
En Passant Perform an En Passant during any full game.
  • 8.70%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Piece Collector Capture 100 pieces.
  • 40.50%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Pion Coiffé Deliver checkmate with a pawn.
  • 28.20%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Tournament King Complete Tournament mode on all three difficulties.
  • 0.40%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Problem Wizard Solve 100 mate problems.
  • 1.30%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Grandmaster Achieve an ELO of 2500 or a Grandmaster Pure Chess rating.
  • 0.10%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
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