

  • 游戏机种:PS3
  • 游戏类型:休闲益智
  • 游戏厂商:SCEA、Bluepoint Games
Dream Beyond all flowers lies another room.
  • 9.20%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Nature Bloom 10,000 flowers.
  • 10.20%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Urban Completely awaken the city.
  • 19.60%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Memories Reminisce for three minutes before returning to the room.
  • 34.10%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Palette Use the grass as your canvas and paint the ground with three different colors.
  • 21.70%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Wind Play with the windmills and ride the wind seven times.
  • 24.70%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Illumination Light a darkened pool.
  • 24.40%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Pure Journey to the city unscathed.
  • 5.80%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Stars Release all of the names to the sky.
  • 20.60%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
flOw Life could be simple...
  • 24.40%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Welcome Back Play the game after a week long break.
  • 60.70%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Healthy Play Take a ten minute break between any dreams.
  • 36.90%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Beginning The dream has just started...
  • 29.30%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Discovery Find and bloom a secret flower.
  • 84.50%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
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