

  • 游戏机种:PS4
  • 游戏类型:动作冒险
  • 游戏厂商:KONAMI
  • 发售日期:2015年09月01日


作者 next 2015-09-11 1 人觉得很赞 1 条评论

1. Afghan Pika species of Rabbit
2. African Bullfrog species of Frog
3. African Civet species of Civet
4. African Fat-tailed Gecko species of Gecko
5. African Wild Ass species of Horse
6. African Wild Dog species of Dog
7. Anubis species of Dog
8. Bechstein’s Bat species of Bat
9. Black Mamba species of Snake
10. Black Stork species of Bird
11. Blanford’s Fox species of Fox
12. Boer Goat species of Goat
13. Brown Bear species of Bear
14. Caracal species of Cat
15. Cashmere Goat species of Goat
16. Common Raven species of Bird
17. Deathstalker species of Scorpion
18. Emperor Scorpion species of Scorpion
19. Four-Toed Hedgehog species of Rat
20. Gerbil species of Rat
21. Grant’s Zebra species of Horse
22. Gray Wolf species of Dog
23. Griffon Vulture species of Bird
24. Himalayan Brown Bear species of Bear
25. Honey Badger species of Honey Badger
26. Jehuty species of Bird
27. Karakul Sheep species of Goat
28. Lappet-Faced Vulture species of Bird
29. Leopard Gecko species of Gecko
30. Leopard Tortoise species of Tortoise
31. Long-Eared Hedgehog species of Rat
32. Marsh Mongoose species of Mongoose
33. Martial Eagle species of Bird
34. Namaqua Chameleon species of Lizard
35. Nubian species of Goat
36. Okapi species of Horse
37. Oriental Rattlesnake species of Snake
38. Oriental Stork species of Bird
39. Rainbow Agama species of Lizard
40. Red Fox species of Fox
41. Rock Hyrax species of Hyrax
42. Russian Tortoise species of Tortoise
43. Sand Cat species of Cat
44. Side-Striped Jackal species of Dog
45. Tree Pangolin species of Pangolin
46. Trumpertor Horbill species of Bird
47. Tsuchuinoko species of Tsuchuinoko


Grey Wolf


Wild Donkey


Himalayan Brown Bear


Grant’s Zebra


Nubian Goat




Ibis  出没于Luftwa Valley,   Angola-Zaire 区域,森林内瀑布附近 



Side op 50 mission: Capture the Legendary Jackal

Nova Braga Airport 南面



  • qq20033029+ 10
  • yuyuejifeng+ 10
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